AFS EXplorer 3.7

This software allows managing the AFS files, which act as a container for multiple files (e.g. graphics, sounds, etc...) under its specific file-system structure. With AFSExplorer you can manage those files, replacing or editing them with AFSExplorer's built-in functions or via independent external plug-ins. There are plug-ins available for e.g. editing STR, SPF or ADX files. Plug-ins code is also available so anyone can customize them or even create their own plug-ins. Appart from these basic functions for handling AFS files, the application includes some non-AFS related extensions: - ZLIB-compressed files analysis and handling tool. You can (un)compress and (de)crypt files in the AFS. - Renderware graphics support (as those found e.g in Grand Thieft Auto or Winning Eleven/Pro Evolution Soccer series). You can insert/extract graphics into any supported file in the AFS. - SPF, ADX, CES and WAV sound player. You can play any sound file in the AFS. This application also allows the creation and usage of AFP patches, which contain file content targeted to be applied on AFS file and replace its files. These patches have a lesser dependence of AFS structure than PPF patches, having an optimal space usage, and thus are better suited to be used on AFS files. You have at your disposal many other functions such as file name edition, support to ISO CD/DVD images, etc... This application is designed to work under Win32 platforms, and has been tested to work under all avalaible 32-bit Windows OSs.

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